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Busy Hands Arts and Crafts

A unique Store featuring homemade, handmade Arts and Crafts from high quality Newfoundland and Labrador Artists and Craftspeople! Busy Hands offers to its customers a little bit of "dis and dat", original artwork and crafts that are both pleasing to the eye as well as being functional!

Busy Hands Arts and Crafts is the home of Fingers "N" Keys Music Studio, a one on one instruction in keyboard, guitar and flute as well as pipe organ studies for the advanced keyboard student.

Busy Hands Arts and Crafts is located at the beginning of the historical Water Street with parking on site as well as a Railway Museum just across from the store.

Our store is home to Newfoundland books, jewellery, clothing, knitwear, and just about anything that can be fashioned by hand, stop by and shop in our economically friendly environment and enjoy the scenery from our parking lot which is reserved for our patrons!!

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